Perio Restorative Interface: From root resections to implant placements
Speaker: Dr. Azim Malik
Date: 20th August 2024
Time: 7:30pm
Via Zoom:
Surgical periodontal therapies can enhance aesthetic and functional outcomes for our patients and can be used in conjunction with other aspects of restorative dentistry. Procedures such as functional crown lengthening and root resections remain highly underutilised particularly since the advent and uprising of implant dentistry. Azim will discuss the use of surgical periodontics in planning complex restorative cases.
Key Objectives:
- Be able to predictably judge the restorative prognosis of periodontally involved dentition.
- Be aware of the indications and contra-indications for functional crown lengthening surgery.
- Understand root resection as a possible treatment modality in restorative dentistry.
- Be able to utilise periodontal surgery as part of a wider restorative treatmentvplan.
Learning Outcomes:
- Understanding biologic width.
- Case selection and pre-assessment in restorative dentistry.
- Utilise periodontal surgery as part of implant treatment plan.
- Merits of teeth vs implants.